Report on the progress and contributions of french psychoanalysts to the field of mental health, youth and culture

The events and social issues of recent years have repeatedly put psychoanalysis and/or psychoanalysts in the spotlight. In the minds of the public and political decision-makers, the discipline founded by Freud in the early 20th century remains linked to fragmentary and heterogeneous ideas and is often seen as controversial. And yet, directly or indirectly, French citizens are increasingly more often confronted with psychoanalytic ideas, both in the social and professional context or in their private lives. The contrast between, on the one hand, this utterly non-hegemonic influence of psychoanalysis and, on the other hand, the sporadic yet at times malicious attacks on the discipline, has prompted the decision of a number of experts to try and assess the current state of psychoanalysis in France and present to all those concerned the key challenges of this seemingly paradoxical situation.

These experts invariably have a long and rich psychoanalytic experience.
Their report helps identify the key contributions of their discipline and its role in specific fields. It is divided into four chapters:

1) Psychoanalysis, Scientific Criteria and Efficacy;

2) Psychoanalysts and Institutional Practices;

3) Psychoanalysis, Children and Youth;

4) Psychoanalysis, Culture and the Media.

The authors have adopted a methodology of working in groups formed
around these four key spheres. The bibliographical references for each
chapter have been included in the report and are publicly available. In order to harmonize their presentation and make it more accessible to the
reader, each of the four chapters is organised into three parts:

• Historical background
• Current situation
• Recommendations and innovative practices

Entitled Report on the Progress and Contributions Made by the French
Psychoanalysts in the Field of Mental Health, Youth and Culture, this
document is intended for policymakers and government officials in the
French mental health field, as well as for the interested public. Some have
claimed that psychoanalysis no longer meets the needs of this sector. In this context, the report describes not only the majority of actions developed and implemented by French psychoanalysts but also their ability to make
concrete proposals. More generally, it looks at the productive presence of
psychoanalysis in the French cultural landscape and its influence beyond our national borders.