Report on the progress and contributions of french psychoanalysts to the field of mental health, youth and culture

The events and social issues of recent years have repeatedly put psychoanalysis and/or psychoanalysts in the spotlight. In the minds of the public and political decision-makers, the discipline founded by Freud in the early 20th century remains linked to fragmentary and heterogeneous ideas and is often seen as controversial. And yet, directly or indirectly, French […]

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The Psychoanalytic Struggle Against the DSM

Patrick Landman – The struggle waged by psychoanalysts for the last forty years, mainly in the field of mental health, is a paradigm of a certain development in Western culture and of what Freud called its “discontents.” Let us go back to 1975: psychoanalytic psychiatry was then quasi-hegemonic, and psychopathological models were accepted and used […]

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Why should we contest ADHD?

Because we have moved from a coherent semiological entity to a pharmaco-induced pseudo-disease, now completely out of control First, let’s talk about the circumstances in which the diagnosis ADHD came into existence. Some ADHD advocates argue that this mental disease follows in the wake of the descriptions of the French psychiatrist Bourneville, of Henri Wallon’s […]

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Methylphenidate (MPH) – an opportunity to waste? What are the alternatives?

1) Why opportunity? MPH is an opportunity because it “works”, i.e., it has a real positive effect on attention, which allows the individual to concentrate better, especially when carrying out tedious tasks. It also works very quickly, giving the impression of a “miraculous” change, or at least a breaking away from the previous symptomatic situation, […]

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June 20, 2017

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What is attention?

It seems that in the DSM 5-dominated world of psychiatry, it is considered a given that attention can be measured and evaluated, and that it may be impaired due to reasons which are unknown but are thought to be at best multifactorial and at worst purely brain-related, thus returning to the age-old idea of “minimal […]

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